Rome Business School

What Makes the Rome Business School Different from the Rest?

The fourth largest city in the world, Rome, may not seem as diversified as people may think it to be, but the change is happening. There is a shift in the general attitudes as it seems Rome has also started to recognize the potential as a cultural melting pot. And Rome Business School (RBS) has been one of the catalysts in that process.

Unlike most of the Business schools in Italy, Rome Business School focuses on the practical training and bridges the gap between the university education and what the employers want from a candidate. A lot of students learn this the hard way that the empirical formulas they have used at the university don't guarantee them success in the professional world. The employers nowadays are looking for people with specialized skills. At RBS, the students are given real world business problems to solve. Students are also offered paid internships that are made possible through a large network through their large and growing global network of businesses and companies.

RBS offers interactive video conference sessions that enable the teacher and students to speak to each other and ask or answer questions. They also offer personalised services to our international students. Another highlighting factor about RBS is that their double degrees are available in multiple countries in collaboration with other universities, all under an impeccable study abroad program. Currently, RBS has a 95% placement rate which proves the quality of education that is offered there. In fact, the school helps the students in the job application process, CV preparation as well as preparing them for the professional world.

Another exceptional fact about RBS is that the average age of their staff is 40 years. Some of the professors at RBS are owners of renowned marketing companies in Italy who do not teach with textbook or slides but use their own experience while teaching. The young faculty members are aware that the time has changed and it has changed the dynamics of the markets. Due to this awareness, they are able to adjust their teaching techniques accordingly.