
Find courses at UBC Sauder School Of Business

University highlights

• School of Business, UBC Sauder is one of the leading academic business schools in the world. Located in Vancouver, Canada's gateway to the Pacific Ocean, UBC Sauder offers a global business perspective at the dynamic intersection of the international market.

• Our programs are designed for strict and appropriate training; create business leaders who influence change and shape industry and organizations around the world.

• UBC Sauder is looking to become an international leader in the creation and application of business knowledge and promote continued success for our students and graduates. Learn more about the school's strategic initiatives in the UBC Strategic Plan Sauder Summary.


  • Accommodation at Caura's Western Regional Conference in 2014 will be provided by the Coast Coal Harbor Hotel at a special rate of US $ 149 + taxes and fees per night. For conference delegates led a limited number of rooms, so be sure to book your room as soon as possible.
  • Special rates are valid for 3 days before and 3 days after the date of the event, subject to availability at the time of booking. All reservations must be received by October 17, 2014.


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